I research Daniel Smith because he was a close friend to Thomas Mastin who adopted TBC. Now, I am also working on the list of Longhunters at WeRelate and there are two Smiths - I really think they are related to our Daniel Smith - so I'm trying to figure this out now. More on this later. I am going to try to list the works by and about DS here.
*Note I'm reading that Daniel Smith went on at least one "long hunt" so I don't know why he isn't classified as a Longhunter.
Daniel Smith Frontier Statesman
https://www.historicrockcastle.com/historyNow, I did find who I think is listed as "Longhunter James Smith" and doesn't seem to be related to our Daniel, but I'm still looking. Another problem: No mention of a Henry. So who was Longhunter Henry Smith? Was he related to Daniel? Mystery continues.
James Smith (frontiersman)
oddly, does not say he was a Longhunter but does say it other places on the Internet
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